Revue chercheur en sciences humaine
ISSN: 1112-8151-EISSN: 2588-2317-ISBN : 1005-2007-Date of creation: 2007
Editor-in-Chief: Pr S. Boumediene
The journal of research and human studies" is an internationally refereed, open access journal, free of charge and bi-annual (June, December), research journal published by the university 20 August 1955-Skikda. The journal is published in the following fields: Human and social sciences, Sharia and Law, Literature and foreign languages. The journal publishes original scientific works in all of the above fields in any of the following languages: Arabic, English, or French. Articles submitted are reviewed according to highest standards by experts specialized in their fields. The research must not have been published or offered for publication elsewhere, and the author must present a written pledge to this effect. The journal is issued in both print and online version. The main objective of the journal is to provide an intellectual plateform for the international scholars. "JRHS" aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social sciences. It also aims at facilitating the dissemination of knowledge on issues related to the study of human sciences with a focus on the local society and current issues. It provides a publication avenue for academics and post graduate researchers in the human sciences disciplines. If you require any further information or help, please contact us:
Latest versions
سليماني صبرينة ,
تاريخ الارسال: 28-09-2021 تاريخ النشر: 30-06-2022 ص 7-38.
دليل الأخصائيين النفسانيين في تقيم المترشحين لمشروع الكفالة
جامعي طارق ,
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بوذيبة رابح ,
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الجندر وتأنيث المهن: طرح بعض القضايا والإشكالات
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